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Sponsored by the Charles F. Kettering Foundation with the Liberal Arts, Communication & Social Sciences (LCS) Division at Sinclair College.

Democracy has always been about more than voting or elections. It is about shaping our communities and lives. It means that all people belong, everyone is equal, and everyone should have a say in our communities, states, and nation.

Who is invited? 
The Dayton Democracy Summit is a gathering of people from all walks of life, including neighbors, residents, leaders, followers, dreamers, practical thinkers, students, teachers, and religious leaders. There will be people from the nonprofit world, schools and colleges, businesses, the government, the service industry, tech, and more. This is for folks who aren’t sure if a Democracy Summit is the right place for them. There is a place here for everyone.

What will we do?
There will be workshops, panels, speakers, and time to connect over food. We’ll cover things like self- and community-care, movement building, leading from our values, organizing our neighbors for change, and more.

Why are we gathering?
We are coming together to learn from each other, be inspired, and be encouraged as we try to create the kind of just and fair world we want to live in. This is hard work and we need each other.

Keynote: The keynote address will be given by the Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II, a national leader for justice and equality and a Charles F. Kettering Foundation Senior Fellow.

When: Friday, September 20, 2024, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Registration begins at 8:00 AM.

Location: Building 12 (Sinclair Conference Center) at Sinclair College, 444 West Third Street, Dayton, OH.

Registration: Please register before 5:00 PM, Friday, September 13. Agenda and workshop options to come soon!

What if I can’t come for the whole day? 
We all have busy schedules. If an all-day summit doesn’t fit with your schedule, you can register for the Zoom version of the event here and join us online as you are able.

Can I invite a friend? 
Because we have limited space, we ask that you not forward this registration form to listserves or post on social media. Of course feel free to invite a friend or two! But we are rolling out our registration form slowly so we can make sure we have room for students and young people to register when they return to school.

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