Information for a Democratic Society
Provide the public with information to heighten awareness of the needs of democracy and to enable the public to recognize authoritarian threats.

A robust and independent information landscape grounded in truth and accuracy plays a critical role in ensuring the transparency, accountability, and informed decision-making that underpin democracy. The public relies upon trusted sources of information to be knowledgeable about local, national, and global issues so they can participate meaningfully in public affairs. The foundation develops and elevates resources that affirm the power of the people to govern themselves and combats misinformation, disinformation, and the erosion of trust in democratic institutions.
Goal: Provide the public with information to heighten awareness of the needs of democracy and to enable the public to recognize authoritarian threats.
- Promote public awareness of the rights and responsibilities of democratic citizenship.
- Produce trusted, nonpartisan research and analysis supportive of democracy.
- Counter antidemocratic campaigns and practices that diminish the critical democratic role of K-12 and higher education.
- Promote the importance of fact-based journalism and the role of a free and independent press in a democratic society.