One Person One Vote Campaign

On August 8, 2023, Ohioans will have an opportunity to vote on Issue 1, a proposed amendment to the state constitution. If passed, Issue 1 would increase the requirement to place citizen-initiated issues on the ballot from the current simple majority to a 60 percent supermajority, effectively ending majority rule, and the principal of one person, one vote. This threat to democracy would overturn the right Ohioans have enjoyed for more than a century to have their views reflected in public policies by amending the state constitution.
Sharon L. Davies, Kettering Foundation president and CEO, has endorsed the One Person One Vote campaign, joining citizen-led grassroots, nonpartisan organizations representing millions of Ohio voters. They have come together to oppose empowering a minority of voters to veto proposals favored by a majority of Ohioans. For a complete list of organizations supporting this campaign, click here.
Davies is also a signatory on the open letter from business and civic leaders opposing Issue 1. The letter reads in part, “A robust, functioning democracy is central to this country’s greatness and critical to sustaining our extraordinary free enterprise system.” Click here to read the letter in full.
It is important that citizens make their voices heard by voting No on Issue 1. Early in-person and absentee voting begins on July 11 and Election Day is Tuesday, August 8. Polls will be open from 6:30 am until 7:30 pm.