Ivan Vejvoda
Ivan Vejvoda, from Serbia, is a permanent fellow and head of the Europe’s Futures project at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, Austria. He served as senior vice president for programs at the German Marshall Fund (GMF) of the United States from 2010 to 2017. Previously, he was executive director of the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a GMF project dedicated to strengthening democratic institutions in Southeastern Europe, from 2003 to 2010. Vejvoda came to GMF after distinguished service in the Serbian government as a senior advisor on foreign policy and European integration to Prime Ministers Zoran Djindjic and Zoran Zivkovic. Prior to that, he served as executive director of the Belgrade-based Fund for an Open Society.
During the mid-1990s, Vejvoda held various academic posts in the US and UK, including Smith College, Macalester College, and the University of Sussex.
Vejvoda was a key figure in the democratic opposition movement in Yugoslavia during the 1990s and has published widely on the subjects of democratic transition, totalitarianism, and postwar reconstruction in the Balkans.
He is a member of ERSTE Foundation’s Advisory Board, the Serbian PEN Club, and serves on the editorial boards of two social science journals, Constellations and Philosophy & Social Criticism. Vejvoda has been awarded the French National Order of Merit in the rank of Officer and the Order of the Italian Star of Solidarity, second rank (Commendatore).