Kerry Reed


Kerry Reed is a facilitator at DemocracyCo in Adelaide, Australia. Following 15 years in landscape design, a master’s in sustainable design led Reed into the community engagement and facilitation space. Her thesis explored the role of citizen creativity and civic literacy in community engagement processes, with a particular focus on the role of a designer as facilitator.

In her role with DemocracyCo, Reed supports people to be thriving, active citizens, with strong social and civic bonds while increasing the awareness of the value of these types of processes in an increasingly complex and sustainability-challenged world.

Reed has a broad range of experience in design, business, the not-for-profit sector, and community engagement. She has strong, applicable research skills, which she uses to ensure that citizen voice is honored and reflected in her work. She also manages a not-for-profit organization, the Adelaide Sustainable Building Network, focused on sustainable and regenerative built environments.